Friday, March 18, 2022

Which direction should Ganesh trunk be facing in an idol


The tip of the trunk of the seated Ganesh tilted towards his left is suitable for worship at home or office.

Ganesh idols generally are made with the tip of trunk pointing His left or right side. Both the types are auspicious and have different significance of the position of His trunk.

While selecting an idol for worship or decorative piece of Lord Ganesh, one should confirm the direction in which the tip of his trunk leans.

The energy of the His body is divided into three parts- left, center, and right. It is controlled by three basic Nadis. Ida Nadi controls the left side of the body, SushumnaNadi controls the center, and Pingala the right side. Here Nadi means Praana and not nerve.

Ida Nadi is associated with the Moon, which is feminine and fluid-natured. Hence, the left side of Lord Ganesh is considered cool and calm. It brings peace of mind and emits positive energy, happiness and success. Idols that have left pointing trunk tip, by tradition allow simpler rituals for general public not only during the Ganesh festival but also when worshiped at home.

The Sun is associatedwith PingalaNadi. He is masculine, full of energy, and fiery in nature.Therefore, it indicates aggression, heat and strictness. This form of Ganesh needs massive devotion, honesty, and concentration in worship. Idols which have right pointing trunk tip, by tradition requires strict adherence of rituals which have to be followed by every member of the family.

There is also a third type where His trunk is depicted straight with the tip pointing upward and it is considered very auspicious.An idol with anabsolutely straight trunk comes under SushumnaNadi, which is neutral. This type of idols are very rare, and generally worshiped for mental health. 

Lord Ganesh is a symbol of knowledge and happiness. Select the idol that sitsin a Padmasana, which symbolizes that he is not in a hurry to move and his blessings stay with us.

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