Gana Kuta carries a maximum of 6 points out of 36 points of Ashtakuta. There are a total of 3 Ganas named as Dev Gana (gods), Manushya Gana (humans) and Rakshas Gana (demons). One Gana is assigned for each Nakshatras; out of 27 Nakshatras, 9 have Dev Gana, 9 have Manushya Gana and 9 have Rakshas Gana. The Gana of a native is the Gana assigned to the birth Nakshatras in the birth chart.
Dev Gana: A person of Deva Gana nature is humble, generous, well-behaved, kind-hearted, likes to follow cultural rules and traditions, appreciates the kindness of others and avoids getting into quarrels and refrains from being envious.
Manushya Gana: Humans are surrounded by materialistic things, humans are selfish, hence they will have mixed qualities. They may be very kind, and at the same time may become mean. They will be religious and creative. It is not necessary that they will obey all rules.
Rakshas Gana: This indicates the darker side of human nature. They can be stubborn and rigid in nature, tend to pick fights, self-centered, but also may have strong intuitive powers. The person with these qualities may not necessarily be a bad person.
Below is the ready reckoner to match the Gana Kuta of Bride & Groom:
The qualities represented by Deva and Manushya Gana bear resemblance; they may complement one another. Hence a cross-match between Deva Gana and Manushya Gana is considered good. Qualities represented by Rakshas Gana don’t match with Dev Gana and Manushya Gana or we can say they oppose such qualities.
Hence a cross-match between Rakshas Gana and Manushya or Dev Gana is considered bad. The male and the female native may have personalities which may be quite different from each other and which may at times stand in opposition to each other. As a result, the marriage may suffer due to strong Gana Dosh unless there are corrective energies in both horoscopes.
Each type of Gana gives a full score of 6 points when matched with the same type as Dev-Dev or Manushya-Manushya or Rakshas-Rakshas. Also the Bride of Manushya Gana and Groom of Dev Gana score full points.
But the Bride with Dev Gana and the Groom with Manushya Gana score 5 points only.
The Bride and Groom one of Rakshas Gana and other with with Dev Gana can gain only 1 point out of 6 points.
The Groom with Rakshas Gana cannot score even 1 point with Bride of Dev & Manushya Gana. But with the Bride of Rakshas Gana they will score full points.
Do we have to cancel the marriage due to this Dosh?
Gana Kuta Dosh indicates that the personality, choices, qualities are not matching or suitable to each other. This might lead towards disappointment, arguments, fights, quarrels between the couple’s married life. In-short the couple won’t enjoy the peace in their married life.
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