Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Planet Combustion


A Planet is considered Combust when it follows the Sun closely. Each planet has its defined degrees at which it is considered combust. The list is given below:

a.    Moon 12 Deg

b.    Mars 17 Deg

c.    Mercury 14 Deg (Forward/Margi) 12 Deg          


d.    Jupiter 11 Deg

e.    Venus 10 Deg (Forward/Margi) 8 Deg 


f.    Saturn 15 Deg

Planets are said to be combust if they are very close to the Sun. If the longitudinal distance between the Sun and the planet is less than 12°, 17°, 14°, 11°, 10° and 15° respectively for the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn they are said to be in combustion. Mercury when retrograde can be as close to the Sun as 12° without getting combust. Similarly Venus when retrograde can be near the Sun up to 10° and above to avoid getting combust. Combustion makes the planets powerless as their rays are counteracted or neutralized completely by the rays from the Sun.

Benefic planets are very powerful in doing good while exalted. They are weak if they are eclipsed by the Sun’s rays. According to one theory, the malefic are strong if they are debilitated or in combustion. In the Ayurdaya method of computing the life-span by assessing the number of years contributed by each planet towards longevity, combustion takes away half of the longevity contributed by a planet which is in the combination. Combustion is therefore malefic and capable of cutting short the power of a planet. The exceptions to this rule are Venus and Saturn, who if combined with the Sun, contribute the full span of life.

Cancellation of Combustion

When a planet is in its debilitated sign and it conjoins that sign Lord or the planet who’s that sign is exaltation sign it forms Neecha-bhanga Raj Yoga. This exemption conferred upon a direct link to the Principle of Neecha-bhanga getting introduced to combustion and resulting in Cancellation of combustion or the concept of cancellation of combustion. 

A planet is believed to be inauspicious if it:

º  Has some defect in the form of combustion or debilitation.

º  The aforesaid planet fails to obtain the aspect of a benefic.

The aspect of a benefic is curative in nature. One may even say it is preventive since it prevents the aforesaid weak planet from delivering bad results. In the absence of benefic aspect, the negative qualities of the planet are experienced by the native. Within the matrix of this doctrine there are certain exceptions.

Jatak Parijata says:

Planets which do not possess benefic aspect or other good influences prove to be inauspicious when they are debilitated, in inimical house, associated with malefic, combust, in junction points, have fewer points in Ashtakvarga or when they occupy the evil parts of a sign. 

A planet may be even badly placed or in an inimical Amsa or debilitated; it will nevertheless prove to be beneficial when the Navamsha or Rashi occupied it is its own or exaltation sign or of a friendly planet no less when a benefic aspect.

This verse highlights the dictum that the Navamsha plays an important role in predictive astrology. If combustion is seen from this angle, then even a combust planet could provide good results provided it is well placed in Rashi or Navamsha. Adding to the ambiguity, textbooks on astrology fail to distinguish between an exalted combust planet and a combust debilitated planet. The Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Cancer cannot be equated with the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn. In the former case, both planets occupy a state of dignity. In the latter case, Sun occupies the house of his dire enemy Saturn, while Jupiter is debilitated. In that situation one cannot expect either of the planets to individually deliver positive results, let alone the prospects of this Yoga.

According to Varahamira

If the Sun conjoins the Moon, the person will be skilled in machinery and masonry. The Sun and the Moon in conjunction produce men skilled in making, handling or dealing with all machinery and under this head, we may bring in mechanics, engineers, chemists and other workmen.

According to Jatak Parijata

º  If a person is born in Amavasya, he will be credulous and devoted to the worship of the manes and the Gods

º  If the Sun is in conjunction with the Moon, the chart holder will be submissive to his wife and clever in every work he undertakes.

For Muhurtha

Auspicious events such as marriage, upanayana, ear piercing, and tonsure are to be avoided when Jupiter or Venus is combust while in transit. However, there are exceptions to this rule:

º  The evil effect of Jupiter’s combustion is overcome by Venus in the ascendant.

º  The evil effect of Venus in combustion is overcome by Jupiter in the Ascendant and malefic in the 3rd, 6th or 11th.

(These are my study notes taken from Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Jatak Parijata, Phaladipika and some guidance through Astrology blogs and websites. Image is referred from Google images)